The Language of Drawing: Investigating Abstraction (DRW4246.01)

Mary Lum

Drawing is inherently a process of abstracting the world. How do we make use of myriad concepts, forms, and materials to make meaningful drawn images? How does a practitioner “use” drawing to express ideas? What does it mean to work “through” an idea? In this course we look carefully at systems and structures, as well as modes of thinking about drawing in the real world. We closely examine drawings and drawing processes from the modern and contemporary periods in order to glean knowledge and inspiration of and from these histories. We make a lot of drawings of all kinds. The emphasis of this course is the development of individual drawing voices and skills through an increased understanding of abstraction. Students complete work weekly. Class time is used for drawing, discussion, collaboration, and presentation. Through assignments, it is expected that students will gain the conceptual and manual skills necessary to confidently pursue self-designed projects. A high degree of self-motivation is expected.

Prerequisites: One previous 4 credit drawing class at Bennington and permission of instructor. For registration, email the instructor ( by Thursday May 10, stating your interest in this course, what prerequisites you have taken, and what term you will be next fall. Mary will respond with further information.
Credits: 4
M 8:00am - 11:40am
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Course Frequency:
This course is categorized as 4000, All courses, Drawing, Four Credit, Mary Lum, Monday and/or Thursday Mornings.