Human Rights (Canceled)

Mansour Farhang

This course is designed to study the origins and evolution of the idea of human rights and probe the development of the international human rights movement since World War II. Following a general examination of the concept of individual rights, the course focuses on the history, theory, practice and possibilities of universal human rights standards. Topics include the notion of rights in both Western and non-Western traditions; internationalization of human rights; the question of cultural relativism; national sovereignty and international accountability; globalization and human rights; the United Nations and human rights; the role of non-governmental organizations; human rights in the foreign policy arena; and the challenges facing international protection of human rights. The required readings on these topics provide a range of analytic and normative perspectives.

Prerequisites: None.
Credits: 2
T 2:10pm - 4:00pm; F 2:10pm - 4:00pm (first seven weeks)
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Course Frequency:
This course is categorized as 2000, All courses, First Seven Week, Mansour Farhang, Politics, Tuesday and/or Friday Afternoons, Two Credit, Updates.