GLocalization 101: Governing Globalized Localities (APA2129.01)

Eileen Scully

“GLocalization” is an ongoing phenomenon. It has been described as a re-scaling of state power in the midst of geopolitical fragmentation and reconfiguration. Moving upward, we see nation-states delegating responsibility and sovereignty to international bodies. Moving downward, we see central governments devolving power and functions to state and “megapolitan” regional authorities. We will explore glocalization in and around the United States, focusing in particular on the changing landscape of state and local government. Assignments will be a mix of written work, non-linear thinking, plus virtual and in-person conversations with policy makers, regulators, reformers, activists, and innovators. We will work together to help interested students arrange Field Work Term internships with members of the Vermont Legislature or with members of State Legislatures in students’ home states.

Prerequisites: None.
Credits: 4
M 6:30pm - 8:30pm; Th 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Course Frequency:
This course is categorized as 2000, Advancement of Public Action, All courses, Eileen Scully, Environment, Four Credit, Monday and/or Thursday Afternoons, SCT, and tagged , , .