Musique et Résistance (FRE4801.01)

Maboula Soumahoro

Coming from the United States, Hip Hop culture arrived in France in the early 1980s. Since then, France has become one of the world’s most dynamic sites of production and consumption of Hip Hop cultures. With a focus on rap music, the course will delve into how social, political-economic, and historical issues of contemporary France have continuously influenced the artistic productions of French rappers.  This course will enable students to elaborate a counter-discourse addressing, questioning, and challenging society. Written assignments and oral presentations will help students improve their reading, speaking, writing and critical skills in French. Advanced. Conducted in French.

Corequisite: Students must attend at least two Languages Series events (Mondays, 7:00pm – 8:00pm)

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor
Credits: 4
M 2:10pm - 4:00pm; Th 2:10pm - 4:00pm
Maximum Enrollment: 18
Course Frequency:
This course is categorized as 4000, All courses, Four Credit, French, Maboula Soumahoro, Monday and/or Thursday Afternoons, and tagged , , , , .