House for the 21st Century: Advanced Studio (ARC4158.01)

Anthony Titus

Architectural Design studio builds upon the lessons of subsequent design studio skills and the processes of critical inquiry, specifically as it relates to architectural investigations. These processes will be seen as interrelated and always informed by the societal, technological, and historical contexts within which architects work. The technological aspects focus on discovering the basic systems used to create space, such as structural systems, enclosure types, and systems for movement. Related issues of scale, systems of measure, orientation, site and program will be strategically introduced during the semester. Emphasis is placed upon constructability and sustainability. These discoveries are through hands-on applications and field visits. Parallel instruction in drawing, model-making, writing will take place over the duration of the studio. Building on the fundamentals taught in subsequent studios, this course will place an emphasis on advanced methods of representation and fabrication as well as a higher degree of critical discourse. Related readings will increase the historical, theoretical, and critical framework of the work produced in the studio.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.
Credits: 4
F 2:10pm - 6:00pm
Maximum Enrollment: 14
Course Frequency:
This course is categorized as 4000, All courses, Anthony Titus, Architecture, Four Credit, Tuesday and/or Friday Afternoons, Updates.