Composing for the Choir (MCO4130.01)

Kitty Brazelton

Composers who sing (or would like to), singers who compose (or would like to), songwriters who would like to stop singing alone, writers who would like to hear their writings sung (and maybe sing some too) and anyone who’s always wanted to learn how to shape music for a vocal group—this class is for you. We will compose, rehearse and then perform our own repertoire in several live concert effusions through the term. Fun, hard work, and more fun.

Corequisites: Must participate in Music Workshop (Tuesday, 6:30 – 8pm).

Prerequisites: Previous voice, composition, or writing classes. A performative understanding of music theory. Permission of the instructor.
Credits: 4
Th 8:00am - 11:40am
Maximum Enrollment: 16
Course Frequency:
This course is categorized as 4000, All courses, Composition, Four Credit, Kitty Brazelton, Monday and/or Thursday Mornings, Music, and tagged , , , , .