For seniors working on special projects or senior theses. Each student will devote the term to completing the draft of a unified manuscript–typically 75 pages of fiction or creative nonfiction, 50 pages of criticism, 30 pages of poetry, or a lengthy translation project. Each week, the class will critique individual manuscripts-in-progress. These peer critiques will be supplemented with multiple individual meetings with the instructor over the course of the term. Additionally, students will read and discuss outside work on occasion in order to consider the various strategies poets, fiction writers, and creative nonfiction writers employ in putting together a full-length manuscript. Projects will be completed by the end of the term.
There will be one group meeting per week. In addition, each member of the class will have individual meetings with the instructor during the course of the term.
Corequisites: Students are required to be in attendance at all Literature evenings and Poetry at Bennington events (typically on alternating Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm).