A brief history of animated images from the 1500s to the present day. The class will be split into watching documentaries and animations along with discussions. A quiz and short responses will be required.
History of Animation (MA2137.01)
Sue Rees
Prerequisites: None.
Credits: 2
M 3:40-5:30 & M 7:00-8:50 (first seven weeks)
Maximum Enrollment: 18
Course Frequency: Once a year
This course is categorized as All courses, Media Arts, and tagged hostory, innovation, research.
Credits: 2
M 3:40-5:30 & M 7:00-8:50 (first seven weeks)
Maximum Enrollment: 18
Course Frequency: Once a year
This course is categorized as All courses, Media Arts, and tagged hostory, innovation, research.