This course is about the architectural model as a physical representation of structure. Students will work with a variety of materials, and at multiple scales to learn about both the practical uses of scale-models as well as the generative potential of scalar manipulation, and the miniature. Coursework will emphasize the importance of an organized digital and physical work-space, and students will learn methods of laying out and building physical models as studies, mock-ups or finished objects. We will study and discuss scale models made by architects, set designers, toy-makers, animators, and artists. At the end of the course, each student will present a scale model complete with scale figures.
Model Shop: Studies in Scale (VA4119.01)
Farhad Mirza
Prerequisites: Some prior knowledge of Rhino or another 3D modeling software, or permission of the instructor.
Credits: 2
Tu 4:10-6:00
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Course Frequency:
This course is categorized as All courses, Visual Arts (VA), and tagged architecture, modeling, Rhino, visual arts.
Credits: 2
Tu 4:10-6:00
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Course Frequency:
This course is categorized as All courses, Visual Arts (VA), and tagged architecture, modeling, Rhino, visual arts.