This is an advanced plastic pollution course, housed in the Center for the Advancement of Public Action and built on the foundation of public action. Plastic pollution is a growing problem which affects oceans, fish and wildlife, human health and contributes to climate change. The students should have a comprehensive understanding of the issue and an interest in working with the Beyond Plastics project, a national project based at Bennington College. This is an environmental policy and community organizing class. Students will learn how to do outreach and organizing, utilize social media, build coalitions and gain a deeper understanding of government and corporate decision making. Potential projects including: developing speeches and power points on plastics issues and presenting that information at least 5 times to student and community audiences; producing the Beyond Plastics pod cast; developing and launching on-line petition campaigns; helping to adopt local laws to reduce plastic pollution and sharing the latest research on plastic pollution with other student leaders.
Advanced Class in Reducing Plastic Pollution Through Community Action (APA4159.01)
Judith Enck
Prerequisites: Prior plastic pollution course with Judith Enck. For registration contact Judith Enck in CAPA or via email at on Wed May 15th.
Credits: 4
W 10:00-11:50 & W 2:10-4:00
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Course Frequency: Once a year
This course is categorized as Advancement of Public Action, All courses, Science and Mathematics, and tagged Environment and Public Action, problem solving.
Credits: 4
W 10:00-11:50 & W 2:10-4:00
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Course Frequency: Once a year
This course is categorized as Advancement of Public Action, All courses, Science and Mathematics, and tagged Environment and Public Action, problem solving.