This course covers the breadth of university calculus: differentiation, integration, infinite series, and ordinary differential equations. It focuses on concepts and interconnections. In order to cover this much material, computational techniques are de-emphasized. Following mathematics courses will focus on techniques and applications, putting the concepts from Calculus A into practice. This is an advanced course; Calculus AP or IB cannot be used as substitutes for it. On the other hand, the course does treat the concepts in a logically independent way, so if the other prerequisites are met, no prior experience with calculus is required.
Calculus A (MAT4133.01)
Andrew McIntyre
Prerequisites: One previous Bennington College mathematics course (MAT 2244 Quantitative Reasoning and Modeling is recommended), or permission of the instructor. For registration, email Andrew McIntyre at once 4000-level registration is open.
Credits: 4
M/Th 3:40-5:30
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Course Frequency: Once a year
This course is categorized as All courses, Mathematics, and tagged logical reasoning, quantitative reasoning.
Credits: 4
M/Th 3:40-5:30
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Course Frequency: Once a year
This course is categorized as All courses, Mathematics, and tagged logical reasoning, quantitative reasoning.