In this advanced level printmaking course, we will explore the use of the laser cutter as a tool for developing our artistic content and technique in the print studio. Through a series of required assignments using the laser cutter, we will refine general print techniques such as registration, color, consistency, and paper handling. We will also learn about advanced methods of intaglio and relief and possibly lithography. The first part of the term will focus on materials research and refinement of methods, as well as the content, and then students will create a final project of their own design. As is always the case, the pursuit of excellent work and participation in the community environment will also be a focus.
At the end of term, students should have a series of experiments using the laser cutter for their portfolio, a deeper understanding of advanced technical problems, and new perspectives on how this relates to communicating ideas and their own work.
This course requires a desire to experiment and work in a group, experience using Adobe Illustrator, and minimum of two printmaking courses taken and passed in good standing at Bennington College.