Life Design Narration: Representing & Contextualizing Your Work (FWT4101.01)

Michael Gonzales

Field Work Term preparation has provided a platform for applying to opportunities with resumes and cover letters as key components of the internship application. While opportunities during FWT serve as a moment to test and explore inquiries introduced in the classroom, how do students best represent and contextualize this relationship through job application materials created in preparation for graduation? How do students bridge ideas explored in class, the skill sets developed in the field, and work/life aspirations after college utilizing language pertinent to particular employment sectors? Lastly, how do you represent your liberal arts educational background in ways that highlight the value of an interdisciplinary education while representing your work within the targeted frame of your respective fields of interest? In addition to readings tied to the sociology of work, studies on bias in job application evaluation, and editorial pieces on contemporary issues facing newly graduated students to name a few, the course will primarily focus on unpacking and producing resume and cover letter drafts through an iterative and reflective process.

Prerequisites: For juniors and seniors who are interested and particularly advanced in their preparation for life after Bennington. Enrollment by permission of the instructor. Email
Credits: 1
T 4:10-6:00 (first seven weeks)
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Course Frequency: One time only
This course is categorized as All courses, Updates, Workshops.