Local Landscape B: Field Ecology and Natural History (BIO2126.01)

Kerry Woods

This is a companion course to the ‘classroom’ section, “Local Landscape A”, and will take place entirely in lab and field (primarily the latter). The class has two main aims: to deepen and reinforce understanding of ecological principles through experience and systematic observation in the field (along with use of some of the tools and instruments of the field researcher), and to develop the observational and intellectual tools of the serious ‘field naturalist’. It will also be an opportunity to gain a ‘hands-on’ familiarity with the ecosytems, natural history, and biota of our biologically rich and diverse region. You will maintain a detailed field-log, and will be expected to gain basic competency in field taxonomy. There will be field-trips most weeks, including off-campus trips, and hiking in some moderately rigorous terrain.

You MUST take Local Landscape A concurrently to enroll in this class (unless you already have background in ecological science and obtain permission of instructor), and this course will be NOT be taught remotely.

Learning Outcomes:

Delivery Method: Awaiting Confirmation
Corequisites: Local Landscape A, or permission of instructor.
Course Level: 2000-level
Credits: 2
Th 1:40PM-5:20PM (1st seven weeks)
Maximum Enrollment: 14
Course Frequency: One time only

Categories: All courses , Biology , Environment