Tuning Scores for the Present Moment (DAN4334.02)

Maura Gahan, MFA Teaching Fellow

This composition class is based on the work of dance artist Lisa Nelson. Students will learn techniques to bring awareness to the body’s senses, space, and one another through a series of ‘warm-ups’, ‘scores’ and group compositions, collectively known as Tuning Scores.

Warm-ups are designed to bring sensorial awareness to the animal body that extends into space and surrounding objects and/or people. Verbal ‘calls’ are introduced as a way of revealing, communicating, and creating composition with other dancers in the room. These calls enable the group to begin to ‘tune-in’ to one another/themselves and the collective environment. ‘Scores’ are offered as controlled practices for composing. Over time and with practice, the class layers the warm-ups, calls, and scores into group dances.

“The Tuning Score is an improvisational composition practice and performance research format that is a performance in itself. It offers tools and a framework for communication and a model of collaboration that is constructed by the players in the act of doing.” – Lisa Nelson

Learning Outcomes:

Delivery Method: Awaiting Confirmation
Prerequisites:Intermediate Level Dance experience and permission of instructor. For registration, please contact Dana Reitz.
Corequisites: Dance or Drama lab assignment if students sign up for 4 or more credits in dance.
Course Level: 4000-level
Credits: 2
T/F 3:40PM-5:30PM (new time as of 8/31/2020) (2nd seven weeks)
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Course Frequency: Once a year

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