Environmental Geology (ES2102.01)

Tim Schroeder

Earthʹs life‐supporting environmental systems are controlled by a complex interplay between geologic and biological processes acting both on the surface and deep within the planetary interior. This course will explore how earth materials and physical processes contribute to a healthy environment, and how humans impact geologic processes. Topics covered will include: earth resources, natural hazards, water resources and pollution, soil formation and depletion, coastal processes, energy resources, and climate change. Students will be expected to examine these topics from both scientific and societal perspectives. This course will include field trips that require moderate physical activity.

Learning Outcomes:
1) Learn how to observe geologic phenomenon in the field & laboratory, and interpret observations within the context of theoretical frameworks
2) Understand how Earth processes support ecosystems and human societies
3) Learn how human modification of Earth systems for resource extraction impacts the ability of those systems to support lives

Delivery Method: Fully in-person
Course Level: 2000-level
Credits: 4
M/Th 10:00AM - 11:50AM (Full-term)
Maximum Enrollment: 24
Course Frequency: Every 2-3 years

Categories: All courses , Earth Science , Environment , Fully In-Person , Updates