This course will look into the use of the kiln as an integral tool and part of the creative process in ceramic art. We will explore various different kilns and firing techniques, learning the roles of fire and atmosphere in transforming glaze components into desired surfaces. We will also discuss the history of kiln technology and how it has influenced the development of wares, kiln building, and the theoretical basis for kiln design and firing. Students will be expected to develop and produce work independently outside of class time for use in the firings.
Learning Outcomes:
* Comprehension of the materials, equipment and studio procedures for working with clay
* Establish technical proficiency in the most common firing processes used to finish a ceramic object
* Recognize their shared responsibility in cultivating an engaging, respectful, and productive learning community
* Ask meaningful questions and be able to actively participate in a critical dialogue
Delivery Method: Fully in-person
Course Level: 2000-level
Credits: 4
F 2:10PM - 5:50PM (Full-term)
Maximum Enrollment: 7
Course Frequency: Every Term
Categories: All courses , Ceramics , Fully In-Person , Updates