International law is no longer merely “out there” somewhere, relevant only to travelers, merchants, and diplomats. International law is being globalized and localized so that it now covers complex contested areas such as civil unions, health insurance, sexual orientation, human security, and migration. We will focus on the fundamentals of twenty-first-century international law, delving into areas including Human Rights, Peace Building, Conflict Resolution, Migration, and Restorative Justice. Engagement avenues include attendance at relevant campus events, weekly short assignments, collaborations, and culminating projects, such as podcasts, videos, creative writing, case briefs, and so on.
Learning Outcomes:
(1) Become familiar with the history, principles, and daily workings of International Law
(2) Explore and present case study examples
(3) Engage Bennington's core capacities (Inquire, Research, Create, Engage, and Communicate)
(4) Develop and pursue targeted research questions
(5) Successfully collaborate with others on a range of activities
Delivery Method: Fully remote
Interested students, please email the instructor ( beginning two weeks before the start of registration, with a brief statement of interest that includes information about your previous courses, FWTs, and concentration areas. Priority will be given to students wishing to integrate the course into their individual Plans.
Course Level: 4000-level
Credits: 4
M/Th 7:00PM-8:50PM (Full-term)
Maximum Enrollment: 18
Course Frequency: Every 2-3 years
Categories: All courses , Fully remote , History , Updates
Tags: Conflict resolution , critical writing , international , international politics , Law , problem solving , projects , Research