New Play Development: Rewriting in Company (DRA4213.01) (new day/time as of 4/27/2022)

Sherry Kramer

For students with completed first drafts of plays.

We will create a workshop environment, and all students in the class will make contributions to each other’s play, serving as actors, directors, and dramaturges in turn. Different models for generating new work and presenting it will be studied and sampled. Exercises and strategies for rewriting will be employed and explored. We will address the business of new play development, including play and contest submission. Class time will be divided between exercises and small assignments, and collaborating and rewriting.

Two full drafts of plays are expected, culminating in a finished draft and a staged reading.

Learning Outcomes:
Students will learn collaboration and rewriting strategies.

Students will experience rewriting their plays with a company of other theatre artists, and working with other writers on their plays.

Students will gain practice submitting their work to contests and theatres.

Delivery Method: Fully in-person
Permission of instructor. Please email ( about your interest in the course, and a paragraph about what you’d like to accomplish in the class, by May 4. Prior playwriting classes are not required. If I am unfamiliar with your work, please attach the play you would like to work on. Do not send a partial draft; incomplete plays will be considered only in very rare circumstances. Plays should be at least 30 minutes long. Students will be notified by email on May 10.
Course Level: 4000-level
Credits: 4
M 1:40PM - 5:20PM (Full-term)
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Course Frequency: Every 2-3 years

Categories: All courses , Drama , Fully In-Person , Updates