This non-performance based course will focus on a detailed examination of the state of Global Theater in 2022 with a specific emphasis on cross-cultural collaborations. Who are the playwrights, directors, designers, actors, and producers that are shaping the landscape? Who is making theater? Why are they making it and how are they funding it? We will investigate the role of government support for theater and the extent to which the work addresses social and political issues. Performance is a form of self-expression but it is also a process by which cultures have generated and transmitted political analysis, shared knowledge, organized communities, and energized resistance. We will familiarize ourselves with a brief history of theater and performance in each of the countries we explore. The choice of which countries we explore will be guided, in large part, by what is being produced in the Fall of 2022 with a particular focus on non-western theater. We will have a variety of guest speakers, view performance videos, hopefully attend live performance, and read numerous performance texts and plays. Students will collaborate weekly on the presentation of group research. There will be a mid-term quiz and a final paper.
Access to a device that allows for synchronous attendance for this discussion-based class is essential as is the ability to download digital written material and videos.
Learning Outcomes:
-to deepen and probe one’s knowledge of world theatre, its origins, and its ongoing relevance
-strengthen critical reading, research, and analytical skills
-strengthen collaboration and presentation skills
Delivery Method: Fully remote
Course Level: 2000-level
Credits: 4
F 8:30AM - 12:10PM (Full-term)
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Course Frequency: Every 2-3 years
Categories: All courses , Drama , Fully remote
Tags: perfomance , political theater , world theater