Practicum in Environmental Justice (APA2111.01)

David Bond

How can the undergraduate classroom be opened to the pursuit of environmental justice today? In this class, we will select a local situation of environmental injustice, research its causes and lived context, and pursue change through every available outlet. Students will be given hands-on experience in engaged and collaborative research, campaigns to raise public awareness, and efforts to persuade powerful (and often complicit) institutions towards change. We will also enrich our practical work for environmental justice through scholarly readings on engaged and collaborative research, the relationship between scholarship and struggle, capitalism and the politics of resignation, and longstanding debates over reform versus revolution. Substantial work also happen outside of the classroom, including biweekly evening Zoom meetings with community groups and weekend trips to the site of our project.

Learning Outcomes:
Change the world.

Delivery Method: Fully in-person
Course Level: 2000-level
Credits: 4
F 8:30AM-10:20AM, plus additional nightly zoom sessions (Full-term)
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Course Frequency: Every 2-3 years

Categories: Advancement of Public Action , All courses , Environment , Fully In-Person
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