Movement Practice: Pleasure Practice (DAN2005.01)

luciana achugar, MFA Teaching Fellow

This movement practice course is open to students at any level of experience with dance. The course is an introduction to luciana achugar’s own practice developed through years of making dances as a method for learning from our bodies with radical self-acceptance rather than imposing preconceived notions of being and/or behaving. Via this practice we investigate ways of uncovering what is already present (but perhaps repressed or suppressed/oppressed) in ourselves, and how to create the conditions to let it manifest and appear on its own. The practice of being in pleasure is a practice of undoing the learned hierarchical model of embodiment that has been programmed into us and to undo the shame that comes with it to unearth a more liberated, empowered, decolonized, uncivilized self that is more connected to our instincts, our hearts, our guts, and our sex to celebrate togetherness and connection to the earth, to ourselves, and to others. 

This course will be taught mostly in-person with a few class sessions taking place remotely via zoom.

Learning Outcomes:
Students will:
* Learn the difference between understanding something intellectually versus understanding it in an actual felt/experiential sense that can be truly incorporated into their lives and their whole sense of self.

* Find greater self-acceptance, intimacy, well-being and safety in their bodies exactly as they are and experiencing the beginning of real transformation as a paradoxical result of this acceptance.

* Begin to cultivate the ability to listen to sensations that allow them to become more aware of different systems and connections in their bodies.

* Become less self-conscious and have a greater sense of ease and freedom to be and let be whatever is present in their experience.

* Gain greater ability to be in the moment connected to their feelings and sensations and to be more aware of relationships between parts and with others and their surroundings.

Delivery Method: Hybrid
Corequisites: Dance or Drama lab assignment if students are registered for 4 or more credits in dance.
Course Level: 2000-level
Credits: 2
M/Th 1:40PM - 3:30PM (Full-term)
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Course Frequency: One time only

Categories: All courses , Dance , Hybrid
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