This online LAB is to help those with little or no musical training, learn the basics of harmony, rhythm and melody in order to write better songs. This strengthened understanding of the details will allow you to look at how your song’s melody fits over the chords you have chosen and why. And you’ll understand better how beats affect your song, so your rhythmic choices are stronger and more natural. Students should have a private and quiet setting where they are able to play and sing out loud, for the entire duration of class time.
All classes will be taught remote except for two separate weeks at the middle and end of term when the instructor will come to campus to offer in-person coaching.
When you register for MCO2113.01 Songwriting I: From your Room to the World online, the Registrar’s Office will automatically register you in this co-requisite course starting on Thursday, May 12.
Learning Outcomes:
applied music theory
Delivery Method: Fully remote
Course Level: 2000-level
Credits: 2
Tu 2:10PM - 4:00PM (Full-term)
Maximum Enrollment: 6
Course Frequency: Once a year
Categories: All courses , Composition , Fully remote