Paris on Screen: Tradition and Modernity (FRE4498.01)

Stephen Shapiro

In this intermediate-low level course, we will study the representation of the city of Paris on film in order to examine modernityʹs challenges to tradition. In particular, we will focus on the question of how urban communities and city dwellers react to increasing disconnectedness, anonymity, and solitude. We will also examine contemporary urban planning and the repercussions of its creation of a de facto racial and economic segregation. Films will include Playtime, La Haine, Chacun cherche son chat, Grand Paris, and Paris, je tʹaime. Class discussions, activities, written assignments, and oral presentations will allow students to improve their linguistic proficiency and analytical skills. Conducted in French. Intermediate‐low level.

Learning Outcomes:
-understanding how Paris was shaped by different ideological conceptions of how a city functions and whom it serves as well as the city's complex history
-understanding contemporary critiques of modern urban planning
-recognizing how race, class, and sexuality are all inscribed in urban planning and design
-review grammatical structures
-improve speaking and listening abilities through the use of authentic materials
-creating with language at the complex sentence level
-developing strategies for reporting information in writing and orally
-developing strategies for presenting arguments and hypotheses

Delivery Method: Fully in-person
Appropriate level of previous study required. Entering students will be placed based on their record of previous study of French. Other students should consult Noelle Rouxel-Cubberly ( for registration.
Corequisites: Attendance at Cultural Studies and Languages Series. Participation (twice per term) in French Table.
Course Level: 4000-level
Credits: 4
M/Th 10:00AM - 11:50AM (Full-term)
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Course Frequency: Every 2-3 years

Categories: 4000 , All courses , Four Credit , French , Fully In-Person
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