The Third Decade of Life (PSY2241.01)

Emily Waterman

In this course we will draw from the fields of developmental psychology and sociology to discuss the third decade of life, or approximately ages 18 to 30. We will ask questions such as: When does adolescence end, and when does adulthood begin? Is ‘emerging adulthood’ an accurate term to describe this period? What should be the purpose of our 20s? Are recent demographic trends toward delayed adult roles a good or bad phenomenon? How do cultural, historical, and economic forces impact the third decade of life? How can policies and programs support this period of life? We will discuss major topics relevant to the third decade of life such as substance use, romantic relationships and sex, identity development, work and career development, the transition to marriage, and the transition to parenthood.

Learning Outcomes:
1: Students will be able to describe the major cultural and demographic shifts over the past century that have changed individuals’ experiences in the third decade of life.
2: Students will be able to identify factors contributing to individuals’ experiences of substance use, romantic relationships, sex, identity, and transition to adult roles (e.g., jobs, marriage, parenthood).
3: Students will form an evidence-based opinion about how this period should be described.
4: Students will be able to identify policies that support individuals in the third decade of life.

Delivery Method: Fully in-person
Course Level: 2000-level
Credits: 2
W 2:10PM - 4:00PM (Full-term)
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Course Frequency: Every 2-3 years

Categories: 2000 , All courses , Fully In-Person , Psychology , Two Credit