Advanced Film/Video Projects I (FV4476.01)

Mariam Ghani

This course, intended for students who will continue to the Advanced Projects in Film/Video II course in spring 2024, supports advanced students in planning, pre-production, and early production for more complex, larger-scale, longer-duration, self-directed video projects. It also includes a screening series where we watch and analyze the process behind feature and mid-length films, and usually also includes some guest lectures from professionals in the field. Advanced Projects courses are designed to help you think through your advanced work and remain accountable to your own best timeline for completing it.

Learning Outcomes:
Across this term, students will:
- learn how to use timelines, treatments, shooting scripts, storyboards, shot lists, budgets and diagrams to plan their own projects, whether narrative, documentary, experimental or installation;
- gain insight into the production process by looking at films alongside their scripts/storyboards or pitch documents, and/or talking to guest lecturers involved in production;
- watch and critically respond to additional film screenings;
- be introduced to best practices for 4K production workflow from cinematography to post to color grading;
- develop their advanced work through both individual meetings with the instructor and presentations to the group;
- present their project ideas, planning documents, test footage or rushes, and/or cuts of their advanced work, depending on their project stage;
- critique the work of their peers, provide support and resources for each other’s advanced work, and hold each other accountable to their stated objectives.

Delivery Method: Fully in-person
Intermediate Video. Preference will be given to seventh-term and eighth-term students with a Plan concentration in film, video, or screenwriting. Exceptions may be made on the recommendation of a Plan committee and with the permission of the instructor. Please email the instructor ( and include links to work completed in previous film/video courses.
Course Level: 4000-level
Credits: 4
M 1:40PM - 5:20PM (Full-term)
Maximum Enrollment: 16
Course Frequency: Once a year

Categories: 4000 , All courses , Film and Video , Four Credit , Fully In-Person
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