This 7-week, intermediate-level course is designed to overlap with Dance in the Frame and to facilitate collaborations between performers and other makers, particularly moving image artists and creators interested in interactivity. Students will have the opportunity to work closely with dancers for the first half of class each week, staging and shooting material in weekly exercises and improvisations, and then will be able to use the second half of class to review, edit, discuss, and plan for subsequent weeks. The class will be built around the interests and skills of students who enroll, but possible avenues of exploration include: strategies for filming/transposing site-specific performance; creating immersive environments for performance; constructing scores around responsive/interactive structures and objects; editing for movement; and editing for multi-channel/spatialized installations. While we will be focusing on both the why and how of making, we may also spend some time looking at relevant work. Students will be invited to collaborate on the initial stages of work towards a collaborative faculty/MFA production, but will also have the opportunity to form their own collaborative constellations.
Learning Outcomes:
Across this term, students will:
- Collaborate and share skills across disciplines;
- Improvise and experiment together;
- Develop techniques for shooting and editing movement;
- Develop strategies for incorporating media into performance;
- Become more comfortable working with performers and operating as a crew;
- Continue to build the vocabulary to critique each other’s work.
Delivery Method: Fully in-person
Previous coursework in video, animation, interactive performance, projection mapping, dance for camera, or similar. Sound/music makers and sculptors who create structures for performance are also welcome to apply. Please email the instructor ( to express interest in enrolling and include a link to relevant work.
Course Level: 4000-level
Credits: 2
W 2:10PM - 5:50PM (2nd seven weeks)
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Course Frequency: One time only
Categories: 4000 , All courses , Dance , Film and Video , Fully In-Person , Media Arts , Second Seven Week , Two Credit
Tags: collaboration , dance , film , film and video , immersive , improvisation , interactive , interdisciplinary , lab , movement , performance , production , video