In terms of public action, Ganas remains a community-driven, cross-cultural association that offers students volunteer opportunities to engage with the predominantly undocumented Latine migrant worker population. We maintain relationships with local organizations and members while developing new ones, along with more conventional classes and readings. Over the past year it has quickly ballooned into a range of simultaneous activities that are seemingly happening all of the time, with students very much at the center of said impetus.
More specifically, we run visits to local farms, interpretation services, ESL classes, Spanish classes, transportation, a variety of social events, a burgeoning radio program, and assistance with the DMV. Ganas has also provided support for Sunrise, Neighborhood Connections, Bridges to Health, the Bennington Free Clinic, and two multi-college consortia. We have cemented the more political wing of the group, through the Berkshire Immigrant Center, Migrant Justice, and Milk with Dignity, organizing the latter’s protests in the town of Bennington.
The group’s largely student-managed ethos should be emphasized herein.
4-credit course for new participants, Continuing members should submit a tutorial proposal form; their presence will be required during the first hour of class time each week.
Learning Outcomes:
Develop a certain level of expertise in one or more of the areas above, testing hypotheses.
Continue, rebuild, or solidify preexisting activities through participating in one or more, depending on preference, increasing structure.
Formalize our presence in the town and beyond, including more community organizations proactively in our work, finding others, forging dependable partnerships.
Broaden our reach with staff and faculty on campus.
Conduct primary research.
Delivery Method: Fully in-person
Permission of the instructor (contact At least conversational Spanish would be nice.
Course Level: 4000-level
Credits: 4
M/Th 3:40PM - 5:30PM (Full-term)
Maximum Enrollment: 10
Course Frequency: Once a year
Categories: 4000 , All courses , CAPA , Four Credit , Fully In-Person