Performance Project: Liminality Portal; Dancing Within and Beyond the Frame (DAN4421.01)

Erin Ellen Kelly, MFA Teaching Fellow

In this creative process lab, we will be developing dance and site responsive movement scores to be performed live and in relation to video.

During the first seven weeks, we will be cultivating/creating these scores based on rigorous somatic investigation and dance practice, both within the studio and within specific predetermined locations. Throughout this process, students will be expected to engage in deep listening, attend to nuance and subtlety, and dive into physical intensity. With image based improvisations, task based sequences and repetition, we will work toward touching upon transformative states of being while dancing.

During the second seven weeks, we will be working directly with the class members of “Co/Lab: Mediating Performance,” to produce works with/for video. We will work conceptually and collaboratively to apply what has been culled in the first seven weeks. Possible avenues of exploration include: strategies for making site-specific performance designed for video; conceptualizing performance for immersive environments; constructing scores around responsive/interactive structures and objects.

Learning Outcomes:
*Tools for creating process / research based performance material
*Approaches and techniques for Dance for Camera
*Collaborate and share skills across disciplines
*Improvise and experiment together

Delivery Method: Fully in-person
By permission of the instructor, priority will be given to students with previous experience in dance. Email with a statement of interest by Monday, May 15.
Corequisites: Dance or Drama lab assignment if students sign up for 4 or more credits in designated dance courses.
Course Level: 4000-level
Credits: 2
W 2:10PM - 4:00PM (Full-term)
Maximum Enrollment: 9
Course Frequency: One time only

Categories: 4000 , All courses , Dance , Film and Video , Fully In-Person , Two Credit , Updates
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