This class will focus on weekly instruction in improvisation through differing styles and feels. We will specifically focus on how group improvisation can help build community and communication.
Explore and develop skills in chord analysis, rhythm and expression through your instrument. We will also touch on the deep history of improvisation.
Weekly assignments will focus on growing improvisation skills and expanding ones knowledge of what improvisation can be.
Learning Outcomes:
- Use simple chord progressions to guide improvisation
-Learn how to improvise with more intention
-Learn how to make creative musical ideas
- Learn how to communicate and build community through your music
Delivery Method: Fully in-person
Be able to play an instrument with some proficiency.
Course Level: 4000-level
Credits: 2
M 3:40PM -5:30PM (Full-term)
Maximum Enrollment: 8
Course Frequency: One time only
Categories: 4000 , All courses , Fully In-Person , Instrumental Study , Two Credit