Material World (SCU2113.02)

John Umphlett

This course is directed at the student who is interested in furthering a visual vocabulary and conceptual enhancement through material introductions and demonstrations. The class will be based primarily on mastering methods of working with materials that we come across in this everyday modern life. Foundational understanding of these materials in their raw states; synthetic/organic. Observing proximity; understood/understanding. You will begin to design informed decisions on material selection and their safe manipulations to create and develop new rich conceptual directions. Questions about questions like: Is this the most interesting solution? What is interesting? What is a more valuable piece of matter? Why are objects made out of specific materials and what in the consumer world relates to these material selections? Could it be something that will degrade (as all does) in this art world and, is it okay to be more aware of this reality?
The foundation of this course is designed around the encouragement to experiment fearlessly towards finding a richer material language and recognize the importance of body awareness to reach efficient production methods. There will be 3 projects during this seven week intensive design course. Each project will build upon the last to allow for a consistent flow and understanding of the complex material properties and their relationships of this World. This class will cover working methods such as, but not limited to, tapping and dieing, cutting, sanding and polishing, casting and mold making with multiple materials.

Learning Outcomes:
1. Learn to use the equipment for fabrication and methods of construction metal, plastics wood and plaster.
2. Gain fluency in the fundamental aesthetics of three dimensional form.
3. Learn about the history of sculptural practices up to the contemporary moment, in its diversity of cultural perspectives and identities.
4. Become familiar with the process of transferring drawing and narrative prompts into three dimensional form.
5. Grasp complex material collaboration relationships through reverse engineering to apply to the success of modern day products.

Delivery Method: Fully in-person
Course Level: 2000-level
Credits: 2
M 1:40PM - 5:20PM (2nd seven weeks)
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Course Frequency: Every 2-3 years

Categories: 2000 , All courses , Fully In-Person , Sculpture , Second Seven Week , Two Credit , Visual Arts (VA)
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