This course will focus on reading and analyzing a variety of autobiographical writing forms as well as perfecting your written French through creative autobiographical writing. Literary readings will offer both a critical perspective on a wide variety of autobiographical genres as well as models for inspiration and imitation in your own writing. We will also examine style and register while striving to master some of the stylistic and grammatical difficulties which confound even native speakers. Atelier sessions will allow students to present each othersʹ work in a workshop setting. Conducted in French. Intermediate-high level.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Effectively communicate ideas in the target language, both orally and in writing
2. Understand, situate, evaluate, and critique various types of discourse used to write the self within multiple contexts
3. Analyze the ideas and the concepts from the perspectives of the culture studied
4. Understand how sexual and gender identity intersect with nationality, race, ethnicity, religion, and
socio-economic class in the context of French and Francophone life writing.
5. Build your proficiency in spoken and written French:
6. Perfect your spoken French in a formal setting
7. Progress in spontaneous, interactive communication.
8. Enrich your vocabulary and develop an ease with increasingly complex syntactical structures.
9. Develop the skills of advanced-level speakers:
10. Mastery of narration in the present, past, and future,
11. Narrating, describing, and arguing in paragraph-level connected discourse
Delivery Method: Fully in-person
Intermediate-high level French as assessed by the instructor. Contact:
Corequisites: Attendance at CSL speaker series events, French table (1 session)
Course Level: 4000-level
Credits: 4
M/Th 10:00AM - 11:50AM (Full-term)
Maximum Enrollment: 16
Course Frequency: Every 2-3 years
Categories: 4000 , All courses , Four Credit , French , Fully In-Person
Tags: autobiography , creative writing , French , language , memoir