Dramaturgies of Care (APA4169.02)

Jaamil Olawale Kosoko

We all need more care. That much is clear. As it pertains to modern social justice and public action projects, the imperative to incorporate systems of care and healing into the greater conversation has increased dynamically. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and increased environmental issues due to climate change, it has become even more vital to consider holistic care models in this age of perpetual global crisis. But how do we practice care within contemporary community structures? How might we center technologies of rest in the face of calamity? This seminar examines how contemporary creative researchers and activists might consider dramaturgy as a radical care strategy within contemporary culture and public life. Course readings and viewings offer historical and contemporary case studies. We will regularly have in-class writing exercises and viewings to collectively refine our textual and discursive relationships to public action and performance across various genres of liveness and time-based forms. We will practice meditation, rest, and modes of horizontality.

This seminar draws on research methods used in the fields of visual culture and aesthetics, mediation, emergent performance practice, and literature. Creative responses across a variety of media and a final project, in lieu of a final paper, are expected.

Module dates: September 24 & 27, October 4, 8, 11, & 15

Learning Outcomes:
dance/theater concepts
performance improvisation
literature related to black studies

Delivery Method: Fully in-person
Interested students must have successfully completed a course in Dance, Drama, Literature, or Visual Arts. Students should contact Susan Sgorbati (sgorbati@bennington.edu) for registration.
Course Level: 4000-level
Credits: 1
W 2:10PM - 5:50PM (2nd module block)
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Course Frequency: One time only

Categories: 2nd Module Block , 4000 , Advancement of Public Action , All courses , Course Code Update , Dance , Day/Time Changes , Drama , Fully In-Person , One Credit , Updates