Study Group 1 (DAN5405B.01)

Donna Faye Burchfield

What does studying together offer us critically that studying alone might not? Ariella Azoulay refers to studying with companions as a method of unlearning. What are the shifts experienced when you are studying with and alongside others? What conditions might group study provide that allow different questions and understandings to emerge? If, as Irit Rogoff states, “All research is collaborative,” how might these study groups expand our thinking through collaborative practices? What methodologies emerge? This course proposes collective study as integral to thinking of practices at once as research. In the spring, study groups seek to create a space to share, learn, think through and unlearn different forms of knowledge-making and research agendas. The student collectives offer a space in which unforeseen associations and different perspectives between and within the thesis projects can be made, making possible the unexpected while reinforcing the need to think anew.

Learning Outcomes:

Delivery Method: Fully remote
Enrollment in UArts Dance MFA program required.
Course Level: 5000-level (Graduate)
Credits: 2
TBA (Full-term)
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Course Frequency: One time only

Categories: All courses , Dance (MFA) , Fully remote , Graduate , Two Credit