“the splendor of truth”: James Joyce and the Tedium of Sublimity (LIT4590.01)

Jenny Boully
Th 1:40PM - 5:20PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

“Call Me Maybe”: The Telephone as Multimedia (MS4111.01)

Maia Nichols
Th 1:40PM - 5:20PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Abstract Algebra and Number Theory (MAT4343.01)

Andrew McIntyre
T/F 10:30AM - 12:20PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Acting Ensemble: The Cherry Orchard (DRA4395.01)

Jennifer Rohn
Tu 7:00PM - 10:00PM, W 2:10PM - 5:50PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Advanced Dramaturgy (DRA4190.01)

Maya Cantu
W 2:10PM - 5:50PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Advanced Film/Video Projects I (FV4476.01)

Mariam Ghani
W 2:10PM - 5:50PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Advanced Guitar: Folk Styles (MIN4361.01)

John Kirk
TBA (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Advanced Improvisation: Being in relationship with all there is (DAN4367.01)

Ros Warby
T/F 2:10PM - 4:00PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Advanced Improvisation: The Game of the Scene (DRA4380.01)

Shawtane Bowen
M/Th 1:40PM - 3:30PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Advanced Improvisation: The Harold (DRA4392.01)

Shawtane Bowen
T 2:10PM - 5:50PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Advanced Modular Synths Projects (MSR4366.01)

Sergei Tcherepnin
M 1:40PM - 5:20PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Advanced Restorative Justice (APA4166.02)

Alisa Del Tufo
M/Th 1:40PM - 3:30PM (2nd seven weeks)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Advanced Shakespeare Lab (DRA4396.01)

Avery Glymph
Tu 10:30AM - 12:20PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Advanced Workshop for Painting and Drawing (PAI4404.01)

Ann Pibal
W 2:10PM - 5:50PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Advanced Workshop in Philosophy (PHI4403.01)

Catherine McKeen
W 2:10PM - 5:50PM (1st seven weeks)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Advanced/Senior Projects in Dance (DAN4712.01)

Elena Demyanenko
Tu 7:00PM - 8:50PM, W 4:10PM - 6:00PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

All About Medium Format Film (PHO4249.01)

Eddy Leonel Aldana
F 2:10PM - 4:00PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Anti-Perspective (DES4101.01)

Farhad Mirza
T 8:30AM - 12:10PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Avant-Garde Art in China (CHI4507.01)

Ginger Lin
T/F 2:10PM - 4:00PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Bad Romance: Shakespeare’s Poetry (LIT4380.01)

Camille Guthrie
M/Th 10:00AM - 11:50AM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Bass Intensive (MIN4026.01)

Michael Bisio
TBA (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Bass with Bisio (MIN4417.01)

Michael Bisio
TBA (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Beauty (PHI4111.01)

Catherine McKeen
T/F 2:10PM - 4:00PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Bodies in Inner and Outer Space (PHO4306.01)

Terry Boddie
Th 1:40PM - 5:20PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Cello (MIN4355.01)

Nathaniel Parke
TBA (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Chemistry 3: Organic Reactions and Mechanisms (with Lab) (CHE4213.01)

Fortune Ononiwu
T/F 10:30AM - 12:20PM, Th 1:40PM - 5:20PM (Lab) (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Collaboration in Light, Movement and Clothes (DAN4286.01)

Michael Giannitti, Tilly Grimes, & Dana Reitz
M/Th 10:00AM - 11:50AM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Collecting Quantitative Data (SCT4154.01)

Emily Waterman
W 8:30AM - 12:10PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Composing for Instruments (MCO4151.01)

Allen Shawn
M/Th 10:00AM - 11:50AM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Creative Writing in Spanish (SPA4723.01)

Lena Retamoso Urbano
T/F 10:30AM - 12:20PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Créatrices (FRE4721.01)

Noëlle Rouxel-Cubberly
M/Th 1:40PM - 3:30PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Critical Dance Processes: Actions I (DAN4800B.01)

Cameron Childs, Shayla-Vie Jenkins, & Jesse Zaritt
W/F 2:10PM - 4:00PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Critical Dance Processes: Research I (DAN4801B.01, section 1)

Donna Faye Burchfield
W/F 2:10PM - 4:00PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Critical Dance Processes: Research I (DAN4801B.02, section 2)

Donna Faye Burchfield
W 2:10PM-4:00PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Directing II (DRA4376.01)

Kirk Jackson
F 2:10PM - 5:50PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Dis/orientation in Spatial Sound Composition and Expanded Image (MSR4112.01) (cancelled 5/6/2024)

Mariam Ghani & Senem Pirler
W 10:00AM - 11:50AM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Dramaturgies of Care (APA4169.02)

Jaamil Olawale Kosoko
W 2:10PM - 5:50PM (2nd module block)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Drawing Excess: Gesamtkunstwerk (DRW4403.01)

J Blackwell
W 2:10PM - 5:50PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Drawing Intensive: Conditions for Visual Inquiry (DRW4238.01)

Ann Pibal
M 1:40PM - 5:20PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Duets: Making and Moving (DAN4368.01)

Ros Warby
W 10:00AM - 11:50AM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Earth Materials (with Lab) (ES4102.01)

Tim Schroeder
M/Th 3:40PM - 5:30PM, W 2:10PM - 5:50PM (Lab) (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Economics of Work and Employment (PEC4219.01)

Lopamudra Banerjee
W 2:10PM - 5:50PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Effort Lab (DAN4345.01)

Londs Reuter, MFA Teaching Fellow
M/Th 1:40PM - 3:30PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Endocrinology: The Hormonal Symphony (BIO4322.01)

Blake Jones
M/Th 10:00AM - 11:50AM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Environmental Action Fellowship Pre Fellowship Class (APA4162.02)

Alexis Goldsmith
Th 7:00PM - 8:50PM (2nd seven weeks)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Environmental Political Theory (ENV4240.01)

John Hultgren
M/Th 1:40PM - 3:30PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Federalism and Peacebuilding (POL4103.01)

Rotimi Suberu
M/Th 10:00AM - 11:50AM (1st seven weeks)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Fiddle (MIN4327.01)

John Kirk
F 1:00PM - 1:50PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Fourier Analysis, Differential Equations, and Mathematical Methods (MAT4140.01)

Andrew McIntyre
T/F 2:10PM - 4:00PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

From the Edo to the Meiji Period: Examining Equality and Equity through the Examinations of Japanese Society (JPN4302.01)

Ikuko Yoshida
T/F 8:30AM - 10:20AM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

GANAS (APA4154.01)

Jonathan Pitcher
M/Th 3:40PM - 5:30PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Genetics – Principles and Practice (with Lab) (BIO4207.01)

Amie McClellan
Tu/F 8:30AM - 10:20AM, W 2:10PM - 5:50PM (Lab) (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Genres and Forms of Poetry (LIT4164.01)

Michael Dumanis
W 10:00AM - 11:50AM & W 2:10PM - 4:00PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Harmonic Spheres (MTH4130.01)

Nicholas Brooke
T/F 10:30AM - 12:20PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Henrik Ibsen (DRA4391.01)

Maya Cantu
W 8:30AM - 12:10PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Historical Dress: Building the Victorians (DRA4390.01)

Tilly Grimes
T 8:30AM - 12:10PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Image Objects (PHO4103.01)

Elizabeth White
W 8:30AM - 12:10PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Improvisation – Building Community Through Improvisation (MIN4359.01)

Jen Allen
M 3:40PM -5:30PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Individualized Studio Practice + Process (DAN4817B.01)

Donna Faye Burchfield
TBA (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Intermediate Drum Set (Fundamentals) (MIN4023.01) (cancelled 5/8/2024)

Michael Wimberly
W 10:00AM - 11:50AM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Intermediate Guitar (MIN4025.01, section 1)

John Kirk
Th 11:00AM - 11:50AM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Intermediate Guitar (MIN4025.02, section 2)

John Kirk
Th 1:00PM-1:50PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Intermediate Painting: From Practice to Discovery (PAI4405.01)

J Blackwell
Th 1:40PM - 5:20PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Intermediate Video: Place and Modes of Presentation (FV4244.01)

Laura Sofía Pérez
Th 1:40PM - 5:20PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Intermediate Voice (MVO4301.01, section 1)

Virginia Warnken Kelsey
M 3:40PM -5:30PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Intermediate Voice (MVO4301.02, section 2)

Virginia Warnken Kelsey
Tu 10:30AM - 12:20PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Interview Etiquette for Technology Pathway (CS4390.01) (cancelled 5/10/2024)

Meltem Ballan
Tu 7:00PM - 8:50PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully remote

It’s Gonna Be Epic (LIT4588.01)

Manuel Gonzales
T/F 4:10PM - 6:00PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Japanese Art and Society: From Jomon Pottery to Superflat (JPN4714.01)

Ikuko Yoshida
T/F 10:30AM - 12:20PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Jazz and Modern Music Theory (MTH4121.01)

Jen Allen
M 8:30AM - 12:10PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Jazz Ensemble (MPF4250.01)

Jen Allen
M 7:00PM - 8:50PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Kilns and Firing Techniques (CER4203.01) (canceled 8/1/2024)

Anina Major
Th 1:40PM - 3:30PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Kilns and Firing Techniques (CER4203.02)

Maedeh Tafvizi
Th 1:40PM - 5:20PM (2nd seven weeks)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

La Vie Quotidienne – Art of Everyday Life (FRE4310.01)

Noëlle Rouxel-Cubberly
M/Th 10:00AM - 11:50AM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Language and Space (LIN4113.01)

Alexia Fawcett
M/Th 3:40PM - 5:30PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Layers Upon Layers – Animated Collages (MA4326.01)

Sue Rees
Th 8:30AM - 12:10PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Life Stories (FRE4604.01)

Stephen Shapiro
M/Th 10:00AM - 11:50AM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Live Sound – Load In to Load Out (MSR4368.01)

Curt Wells
F 10:30AM - 12:20PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Main Meanings (ARC4383.01)

Farhad Mirza
W 8:30AM - 12:10PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Mallet Percussion Ensemble (MPF4106.01)

Michael Wimberly
M/Th 3:40PM - 5:30PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Managing Ethnic Conflicts (POL4101.01)

Rotimi Suberu
W 8:30AM - 12:10PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Meisner Technique (DRA4268.01)

Jennifer Rohn
M/Th 3:40PM - 5:30PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Modern Guitar (MIN4224.01)

Hui Cox
TBA (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Modern Observational Techniques (PHY4107.01)

Hugh Crowl
M/Th 1:40PM - 3:30PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Monsters, Magic, and Madness in Western Music (MHI4136.01)

Joseph Alpar
M/Th 1:40PM - 3:30PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Movement Practice: Sénémali – Traditional West African Dance II (DAN4487.01)

Kaolack Ibrahima Ndiaye
T/F 4:10PM - 6:00PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Movement Practice: Spiraling around… (DAN4501.01)

Martín Lanz, MFA Teaching Fellow
M/Th 3:40PM - 5:30PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Music Composition for Dance (MCO4152.01)

Michael Wimberly
Th 10:00AM - 11:50AM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Ndaga – a way of making dance (DAN4486.01)

Kaolack Ibrahima Ndiaye
M/Th 3:40PM - 5:30PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

On Collecting: Writings of Walter Benjamin (VA4209.01)

Anne Thompson
M/Th 10:00AM - 11:50AM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Open Source Software in Practice (CS4387.01)

Michael Corey
M 8:30AM - 12:10PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Perception and Augmentation in Computer Vision (CS4385.01) (cancelled 5/10/2024)

Meltem Ballan
M/W/Th 8:30AM - 9:50AM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Hybrid

Performance Pedagogies of Dance (DAN4816B.01, section 1)

Sidra Bell
TBA (2nd module block)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Performance Pedagogies of Dance (DAN4816B.02, section 2)

Rena Butler
M 3:40-5:30PM & M 7:00-8:50PM, T 2:10PM-5:50PM, W 10:00-11:50AM, Th 3:40PM-5:30PM, F 4:10-6:00PM (4th module block)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Performance Pedagogies of Dance (DAN4816B.03, section 3)

Kyle Clark
TBA (2nd module block)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Performance Pedagogies of Dance (DAN4816B.04, section 4)

Gary Jeter
TBA (1st module block)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Phenomenology of the Strange (FV4243.01)

Laura Sofía Pérez
Th 8:30AM - 12:10PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Piano (MIN4333.01, section 1)

Yoshiko Sato
TBA (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Piano (MIN4333.02, section 2)

Christopher Lewis
TBA (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Piano Composition Studies (MCO4171.01)

Allen Shawn
W 2:10PM - 4:00PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Piano Lab II : Intermediate Piano (MIN4236.01)

Yoshiko Sato
TBA (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Pop Culture in Taiwan (CHI4123.01)

Ginger Lin
T/F 4:10PM - 6:00PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Post-Production Intensive (FV4310.01)

Mariam Ghani
W 10:00AM - 11:50AM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Prints into Books (PRI4216.01)

Anna Hepler
W 2:10PM - 5:50PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Production and Design Projects (DRA4486.01, section 1)

Michael Giannitti
Tu 8:30AM - 10:20AM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Production and Design Projects (DRA4486.02, section 2)

Michael Giannitti
Tu 8:30AM - 10:20AM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Professional Practices: Demystifying the Art World (VA4324.01)

Beverly Acha
M/W 7:00PM - 8:50PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully remote

Projections – Animation Projects (MA4202.01)

Sue Rees
F 8:30AM - 12:10PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Race in Publishing (LIT4599.01)

Mariam Rahmani
W 2:10PM - 5:50PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Rakugo and Humor: The Art of Storytelling (JPN4505.01)

Ikuko Yoshida
M/Th 1:40PM - 3:30PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Rare and Common: Advanced Reading in Conservation and Ecology (BIO4321.01)

Caitlin McDonough Mackenzie
W 10:00AM - 11:50AM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Reading & Writing Fiction: ESLit (LIT4594.01) (day/time updated as of 5/10/2024)

Mariam Rahmani
F 8:30AM - 12:10PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Reading & Writing Poetry: Revision as Play (LIT4593.01)

Anaïs Duplan
Th 8:30AM - 12:10PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Reading and Writing Nonfiction: Childhood and Its Aftermaths (LIT4521.01)

Jenny Boully
W 2:10PM - 5:50PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Rebetiko Ensemble: Songs of the Greek Underworld (MPF4359.01)

Joseph Alpar
Tu 4:10PM - 6:00PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Reproductive Justice in Latin America (ANT4239.01) (day/time updated as of 5/10/2024)

Cecilia Salvi
F 8:30AM - 12:10PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Research in Applied Mathematics (MAT4289.01)

Kathryn Montovan
F 2:10PM - 5:50PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Rock and Metal Technique for Band Vocalists (MVO4252.01)

Thann Scoggin
M 3:40PM -5:30PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Sculptural Equilibrium: Contemporary Context of Ikebana (CER4206.01)

Yoko Inoue
T 2:10PM - 5:50PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Sculpture Studio/Advanced practice (SCU4217.01)

John Umphlett
T 8:30AM - 12:10PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Senior Projects in Literature (LIT4498.01)

Franny Choi
T 2:10PM - 5:50PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Senior Seminar (DAN4802B.01)

Sara Procopio
Tu 8:30AM - 10:20AM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully remote

Senior Seminar in Society, Culture, and Thought (SCT4750.02, section 2)

Eileen Scully
Tu 4:10PM - 6:00PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Senior Seminar in Society, Culture, and Thought (SCT4750.01, section 1)

Eileen Scully
Tu 2:10PM - 4:00PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Senior Thesis Workshop (DAN4803B.01)

Jesse Zaritt & Shayla-Vie Jenkins
W 4:10PM-6:00PM & F 8:30AM-10:20AM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Studio Practice + Process: Afro-Contemporary Performance Making: Sampling + Poetics + Sonics (DAN4805B.01)

Kingsley Ibeneche
M/Th 10:00AM-11:50AM & 1:40PM-3:30PM, T 10:30AM-12:20PM & 7:00PM-8:50PM, F 10:30AM-12:20PM (1st module block)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Studio Practice + Process: Insistence/Persistence: Dancing/Drawing/Writing (DAN4808B.03)

Jesse Zaritt
M/Th 10:00AM-11:50AM & 1:40PM-3:30PM, T 10:30AM-12:20PM & 7:00PM-8:50PM, F 10:30AM-12:20PM (3rd module block)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Studio Practice + Process: Minor De Luxe: a mass(mess) for body and other rogue im/materials (DAN4804B.03)

Niall Jones
M 3:40PM-5:30PM & M 7:00PM-8:50PM, T 2:10PM-6:00PM, W 10:00AM-11:50AM, Th 3:40PM-5:30PM, F 4:10PM-6:00PM (3rd module block)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Studio Practice + Process: Moving From the Inside Out (DAN4806B.02)

Paul Matteson & Shayla-Vie Jenkins
M/Th 10:00AM-11:50AM & 1:40PM-3:30PM, T 10:30AM-12:20PM & 7:00PM-8:50PM, F 10:30AM-12:20PM (2nd module block)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Studio Practice + Process: Play Effort Catharsis (DAN4807B.04)

Shayla-Vie Jenkins & Rena Butler
M/Th 10:00AM-11:50AM & 1:40PM-3:30PM, T 10:30AM-12:20PM & 7:00PM-8:50PM, F 10:30AM-12:20PM (4th module block)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Studio Practice: Ballet Forms (DAN4814B.01, section 1)

Michael Sheridan
T/F 8:30AM - 10:20AM (1st seven weeks)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Studio Practice: Ballet Forms (DAN4814B.02, section 2)

Michael Sheridan
M/Th 8:00AM-9:50AM (1st seven weeks)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Studio Practice: Ballet Forms (DAN4815B.01, section 1)

Mark Caserta
T/F 8:30AM - 10:20AM (2nd seven weeks)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Studio Practice: Ballet Forms (DAN4815B.02, section 2)

Mark Caserta
M/Th 8:00AM-9:50AM (2nd seven weeks)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Studio Practice: Combined Contemporary Modern Dance Forms (DAN4810B.01, section 1)

Curt Haworth & Mikhail Calliste
M/Th 1:40PM - 3:30PM (2nd seven weeks)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Studio Practice: Combined Contemporary Modern Dance Forms (DAN4810B.02, section 2)

Curt Haworth & Mikhail Calliste
T 2:10-4:00PM, F 4:10-6:00PM (2nd seven weeks)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Studio Practice: Contemporary Diasporic Dance Forms (DAN4813B.02)

Mikhail Calliste
W 10:00AM - 11:50AM (2nd seven weeks)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Studio Practice: Contemporary Modern Dance Forms (DAN4809B.01, section 1)

Katie Swords-Thurman
M/Th 1:40PM - 3:30PM (1st seven weeks)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Studio Practice: Contemporary Modern Dance Forms (DAN4809B.02, section 2)

Katie Swords-Thurman
T 2:10PM-4:00PM, F 4:10PM-6:00PM (1st seven weeks)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Studio Practice: Contemporary Modern Dance Forms (DAN4812B.01)

Paul Matteson
W 10:00AM - 11:50AM (1st seven weeks)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Studying Place by Metes and Bounds (ENV4232.01)

Miroslava Prazak
W 2:10PM - 5:50PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Surrealism in Latin America: Origins and Reception (SPA4505.01)

Lena Retamoso Urbano
M/Th 1:40PM - 3:30PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Systems 2: Software Architecture and Design-From virtual machines to compilers (CS4382.01)

Darcy Otto
M/Th 1:40PM - 3:30PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Teaching to Transgress: Radical Pedagogy Practicum (EDU4402.01)

Anaïs Duplan
F, 4:10PM - 6:00PM & F, 7:00PM - 8:50PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

The “I” of the Beholder (LIT4386.01)

Franny Choi
W 2:10PM - 5:50PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

The Baroque Imaginary (AH4117.01)

J. Vanessa Lyon
Th 1:40PM - 5:20PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

The Field Recorder and the Plein Air Musician (MCO4398.01)

Omeed Goodarzi, MFA Teaching Fellow
F 2:10PM - 4:00PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

The Journey and the Pity: Revisiting Dante’s Inferno (LIT4597.01)

Devon Walker-Figueroa
T 2:10PM - 5:50PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

The Perfect Chorale (MTH4149.01)

Nicholas Brooke
Th 3:40PM - 5:30PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

The Power of Image (SPA4305.01)

Lena Retamoso Urbano
M/Th 10:00AM - 11:50AM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

The Recording Studio as a Magical Escape Pod (MSR4367.01)

Kevin Barnes
F 2:10PM - 5:50PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

The Songwriter’s Guitar (MIN4362.01)

Omeed Goodarzi, MFA Teaching Fellow
F 4:10PM - 6:00PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

There Is Always a Clock (DRA4384.01)

Sherry Kramer
Th 1:40PM - 5:20PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Traditional Music Ensemble (MPF4221.01)

John Kirk
W 10:00AM - 10:50AM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Trends in Adolescent Mental Health (PSY4381.01)

Emily Waterman
M/Th 1:40PM - 3:30PM (1st seven weeks)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Viola (MIN4241.01)

Ariel Rudiakov
TBA (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Violin (MIN4345.01)

Joana Genova
TBA (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Visual Arts Lecture Series Seminar (VA4218.01)

J. Vanessa Lyon
Tu 4:10PM - 6:00PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Voice Performance Intensive (MVO4404.01, section 1)

Virginia Warnken Kelsey
Tu 2:10PM - 4:00PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Voice Performance Intensive (MVO4404.02, section 2)

Thann Scoggin
Tu 2:10PM - 4:00PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Voice Performance Intensive (MVO4404.03, section 3) (cancelled 9/12/2024)

Virginia Warnken Kelsey
TBA (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Weird Covers (MCO4173.01)

Nicholas Brooke
Th 7:00PM - 8:50PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

What Can One Person Do (DRA4394.01)

Sherry Kramer
M 1:40PM - 5:20PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Women and Enlightenment (HIS4123.01)

Carol Pal
W 2:10PM - 5:50PM (Full-term)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person

Word Play In The Press Room (PRI4220.02) (cancelled 4/30/2024)

Julia Ferrari
Th 1:40PM - 5:20PM (2nd seven weeks)
Delivery Method: Fully in-person