Intermediate Painting: Facture (PAI4106.01)

Josh Blackwell

fac·ture – ˈfakCHər/ = noun the quality of the execution of a painting; an artist’s characteristic handling of the paint.

Behind the impulse to put paint on canvas is a search for meaning. As an artwork comes into being, its meaning(s) evolve concurrently. Concentrating on the establishment of a rigorous artistic practice, this course will focus on the relationship between facture and meaning in painting. Sharpening practical and critical skills, assignments will investigate the processes and methods of painting from practical and theoretical perspectives. Questions to be considered might include: How does the painter’s knowledge of craft inform the way s/he paints? Is technique knowledge or behavior? What is the role of labor? Readings, critiques and studio projects will serve to create a constructive and lively dialogue in the classroom.


Prerequisites: One previous painting class at Bennington.
Credits: 4
T 2:10pm - 6:00pm
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Course Frequency:
This course is categorized as 4000, All courses, Four Credit, Joshua Blackwell, Painting, and tagged , , , .