Foundations of Photography: Darkroom to Digital (PHO2138.01)

Liz Deschenes and Elizabeth White

The objective of this course is to provide basic skills in both film and digital photography. Students will gain experience shooting with both 35mm and DSLR cameras, learn to develop and print black and white film in the darkroom, perform basic edits in Lightroom, and make quality inkjet prints. Hybrid analog and digital processes will also be introduced. Class time will be spent working in the darkroom, on lab demonstrations, and in discussion of student work. In addition to technical lectures and reviews, a selection of images from the history of photography will be shown and several short readings will be discussed throughout the term. The first seven weeks of the course will be taught by Liz Deschenes and second seven weeks will be taught by Liz White.

Prerequisites: None
Credits: 4
T 8:00am - 11:40am
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Course Frequency:
This course is categorized as 2000, All courses, Elizabeth White, Liz Deschenes, Photography, Tuesday and/or Friday Mornings.