Varied Vessels: from Useful to Fanciful (CER4154.01)

Aysha Peltz

In this course, students will continue to develop their ceramic skills with a focus on the vessel. Readings, discussions, and research will support student’s individual search for personal expression through the making of vessel forms. The Usdan Gallery will be hosting a ceramic vessel exhibition during the second half of the term. This show will provide students with the unique opportunity to have a “hands-on” experience with the vessels on display. Students will be expected to study the work in the gallery; the subtlety and detail observed from these vessels will inform the student’s projects. Assignments will utilize hand-building and throwing techniques. Demonstrations, slide lectures, library visits and the Usdan exhibition will provide reference and perspective for the projects. Students will further develop their kiln firing skills through the supervised firing of class work.

Registration: Please email by Nov. 27th stating your interest in ceramics and the vessel.

Prerequisites: one 4 credit college level ceramics class (or permission of instructor).
Credits: 4
T 8:00am - 11:40am
Maximum Enrollment: 14
Course Frequency:
This course is categorized as 4000, All courses, Aysha Peltz, Ceramics, Four Credit, Tuesday and/or Friday Mornings, and tagged , , , .