This course serves as an introduction to rhythms, chants and songs from Africa, Brazil, Cuba, Haiti, and the African Diaspora. Using indigenous percussion instruments, students will learn basic hand and stick drumming patterns and techniques associated with traditional rhythms from these regions. In the second half of the term the class will present the music they have learned with Bennington College’s partnerships, which include the South Western Vermont Medical Center (SVMC), Bennington Project Independence (BPI), and the Village School of North Bennington (VSNB).
Drumming: An Extension of Language (MIN2120.01)
Michael Wimberly
Prerequisites: None.
Credits: 2
W 2:10pm - 4:00pm
Maximum Enrollment: 14
Course Frequency:
This course is categorized as 2000, All courses, Areas of Study, Instrumental Study, Michael Wimberly, Music, Two Credit, Wednesday Afternoons, and tagged Chant, creative work, cultural studies, Hand Drumming, Instrumental Study, Languages, Stick Drumming, World Music.
Credits: 2
W 2:10pm - 4:00pm
Maximum Enrollment: 14
Course Frequency:
This course is categorized as 2000, All courses, Areas of Study, Instrumental Study, Michael Wimberly, Music, Two Credit, Wednesday Afternoons, and tagged Chant, creative work, cultural studies, Hand Drumming, Instrumental Study, Languages, Stick Drumming, World Music.