This advanced work seminar offers students the opportunity to receive feedback on culminating/advanced work studying environmental problems. This course is ideal for two types of students: (1) 8th term students who are completing senior work in a particular discipline group (e.g. Science or Society, Culture, and Thought) but would benefit from having feedback from both environmental scientists and social scientists; and (2) 6th term students who are beginning to think about senior work related to the environment, and who would like to develop a research proposal. We will begin the course by reflecting on the unique, interdisciplinary nature of environmental studies, and what it looks like to perform research in environmental sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Students will then have an opportunity to engage in research and writing, guided by the faculty, and supported by feedback from their peers. The final product will be a senior project (for 8th term students), or a senior project proposal (for 6th term students).
Environmental Studies Advanced Work Seminar (Canceled)
Tim Schroeder & John Hultgren
Prerequisites: previous ENV 4000-level courses and permission of instructor(s)
Credits: 1
M 2:10pm - 4:00pm (first seven weeks)
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Course Frequency:
This course is categorized as 4000, All courses, Areas of Study, Environment, First Seven Week, John Hultgren, Monday and/or Thursday Afternoons, One Credit, Timothy Schroeder, Updates.
Credits: 1
M 2:10pm - 4:00pm (first seven weeks)
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Course Frequency:
This course is categorized as 4000, All courses, Areas of Study, Environment, First Seven Week, John Hultgren, Monday and/or Thursday Afternoons, One Credit, Timothy Schroeder, Updates.