In this course we will engage anti-racist feminist theory, crip theory, and human geography to think critically about dis/ability. Topics include: the built environment and institutional design; geographic scales of the body, the home, and institutions; trauma, pathology, illness, and recovery; desire and pain; and im/mobility. We will consider how disability is shaped by (and also shapes) practices of care, experiences of embodiment, and emotions. Throughout the course, we will approach disability as intersecting with race, gender, queerness, fatness, class, and trans* experiences. Most centrally, we will ask: What is the spatiality of dis/ability, and how can space be occupied and reappropriated for radically inclusive uses? How can we understand both normality and deviance as socially constructed concepts that nonetheless have real, and uneven, implications for people’s lives?
Feminist Geographies of Dis/ability, Care, and Embodiment (SCT2133.01)
Emily Mitchell-Eaton
Prerequisites: None.
Credits: 4
M 10:00am - 11:50am; Th 10:00am – 11:50am
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Course Frequency:
This course is categorized as 2000, All courses, Emily Mitchell-Eaton, Four Credit, Monday and/or Thursday Mornings, SCT, Updates.
Credits: 4
M 10:00am - 11:50am; Th 10:00am – 11:50am
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Course Frequency:
This course is categorized as 2000, All courses, Emily Mitchell-Eaton, Four Credit, Monday and/or Thursday Mornings, SCT, Updates.