Biochemistry is an intermediate chemistry course in which students apply principles from general and organic chemistry, as well as general biology, to understand the molecular processes that characterize life. Biochemistry is a broad discipline that is growing rapidly in its scope – new developments and discoveries are being made daily. The goal of this class will be to give students a solid background with which they can appreciate the latest developments and research reports. We will begin with fundamental principles, but quickly move into a detailed look at metabolism – the specific means by which organisms use chemical energy to drive cell functions and how they convert simple molecules to complex biological molecules. This approach will provide a context to illustrate many of the core ideas we will cover. Students will also have the opportunity for independent work which will allow them to apply these ideas to topics of their own specific interests. Students will have weekly review assignments and at least two independent projects, including an oral presentation of a final project.
Biochemistry (CHE4335.01)
Janet Foley
Prerequisites: Chem 3, Cell Biology
Credits: 4
T/F 10:30-12:20
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Course Frequency: Once a year
This course is categorized as All courses, Chemistry.
Credits: 4
T/F 10:30-12:20
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Course Frequency: Once a year
This course is categorized as All courses, Chemistry.