Book Club Italiano (ITA4612.01)

Noelle Rouxel-Cubberly

Designed like a book club, this course will allow students to read books and discuss them as a class. Titles include Sei personaggi in cerca d’autore (Pirandello, 1921), L’isola di Arturo (Morante, 1957), and Pecore nere: racconti (Kuruvilla, Scego, Mubiayi, Wadia, 2012). While the main focus is on developing reading and speaking skills, this course will also include writing and listening practice. The course, conducted in Italian, will culminate in a research and a creative project. Intermediate high and advanced levels combined.

Corequisites: Attending two events of the Language Series

Prerequisites: Five terms of Italian, or permission by the instructor.
Credits: 2
Tu 10:30-12:20
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Course Frequency: One time only
This course is categorized as All courses, Italian.