This course will examine social psychological approaches to promoting inclusivity. Content will include review of basic psychological processes that contribute to, and maintain bias in contemporary society; and on methods that can promote collaboration across difference. Topics will include: confirmation bias, tokenism, intergroup dynamics, social justice, and related concepts. Students will be expected to participate actively; examine, understand, and articulate different perspectives; and engage fully with the assigned readings and materials. Weekly assignments include 1-2 readings and short reflection papers. Students will also submit a final project that addresses a current area of exclusion at Bennington College.
Social Dynamics of Inclusion (SCT2134.01)
Delia Saenz
Prerequisites: None.
Credits: 1
W 2:10-4:00 (first seven weeks)
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Course Frequency:
This course is categorized as All courses, SCT.
Credits: 1
W 2:10-4:00 (first seven weeks)
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Course Frequency:
This course is categorized as All courses, SCT.