Improvisation Ensemble for Dancers and Musicians (DAN4357.02)

Susan Sgorbati

This course is for dancers and musicians to work on the performance of improvisation. This section is for advanced dancers who will focus on developing an original movement vocabulary, understand pattern recognition and learn a solo and ensemble practice in emergent forms. Once a week, the dancers will have a class with musicians and will collaborate on improvisational structures. Dancers are expected to have experience with improvisation in performance. Readings, research and discussion will be included.

Learning Outcomes:

Delivery Method: Fully in-person
Prerequisites:Beginning Improvisation. Auditions scheduled by appointment - contact
Corequisites: Dance or Drama Lab Assignment if students are registered for 4 or more credits in Dance.
Course Level: 4000-level
Credits: 2
M/Th 3:40PM - 5:30PM (2nd seven weeks)
Maximum Enrollment: 10
Course Frequency: Once a year

Categories: All courses , Dance , Fully In-Person , Music