An introduction to 16mm film techniques, students will shoot and edit analog 16mm film, as well as digital transfers of film to video. Through readings, avant-garde screenings, experiments and hands-on workshops students will learn about cinematography and the photochemical process. Taking advantage of the special tactile, tangible nature of analog film, material properties will also be explored- direct tactile methods such as paint/scratch on film and laser etching. All films will be dialogue free- adding sound through double-system recording and performance will be explored.
Learning Outcomes:
Delivery Method: Fully in-person
Course Level: 2000-level
Credits: 2
F 2:10PM - 4:00PM (Full-term)
Maximum Enrollment: 8
Course Frequency: One time only
Categories: All courses , Film and Video , Fully In-Person
Tags: 16mm , analog film , art , avant-garde , film , film and video , material