This course is for Seniors who are focusing on Advanced Work in Public Action. It involves producing a digital portfolio that will be housed in the Crossett Library. The portfolio includes research, a mission statement, theory of change and a plan of action with supporting materials (video, photography, images, etc.). Students should be engaged in advanced work in a discipline or multi-disciplinary that they can bring to the CAPA Advanced Workshop. Field Work Term of the Senior year is highly recommended to be connected to this work. For students who are interested, please email Susan Sgorbati for a proposal form. Students will be admitted into the class based on their completion of the proposal form.
Learning Outcomes:
Delivery Method: Hybrid in-person and remote, with faculty remote
Prerequisites:Advanced Work in a Discipline.
Course Level: 4000-level
Credits: 4
W 8:30AM - 12:10PM (Full-term)
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Course Frequency: Once a year
Categories: Advancement of Public Action , All courses , Hybrid In-Person and Remote