Theories of Revolution (SPA4402.01)

Jonathan Pitcher

Over the past two centuries, in an apparently perpetual movement towards democratic independence, Latin America has confronted ruptures in tradition and experimented with a variety of revolutionary discourses to project its multiple pasts into the future. This course will read the postcolonial back into the European and US epistemai, and vice-versa, exploring how Latin Americans have given voice to their views on political transitions, both democratic and otherwise. Discussions and presentations will facilitate the development of oral fluency. Students will expand their descriptive, analytical, and polemical vocabulary, not to mention their sense of hyperbole. Conducted in Spanish, at the low- to mid-intermediate level.

Learning Outcomes:
Objetivos del curso:

Objetivos cognitivos:

Entender, localizar, valorar y criticar el discurso revolucionario de cualquier país moderno
Establecer sus propias relaciones entre los materiales más allá de la manipulación excesiva del profesor
Interpretar la historia, la política, y la literatura a través de las auto-representaciones de América Latina
Conectar las narrativas y la sociedad
Mejorar la sofisticación del español

Objetivos lingüísticos:

Mejorar la gramática
Enriquecer el vocabulario
Perfeccionar el lenguaje político-histórico-literario
Elaborar el discurso, la explicación, la composición
Desarrollar argumentos coherentes

Delivery Method: Fully in-person
Prerequisites: 3 terms of Spanish at Bennington, or permission of the instructor. Proficiency level to be assessed by the instructor. Please contact Jonathan at by November 12.
Course Level: 4000-level
Credits: 4
M/Th 1:40PM - 3:30PM (Full-term)
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Course Frequency: Every 2-3 years

Categories: All courses , Fully In-Person , Spanish