Performance as Radicalism in Practice (MPF2165.01)

Kriss Mincey

This class will explore performance as a tool for affecting social arrangements.

We’ll examine it from the perspective of the performer and the audience, moving from the hyper-local to the extended sites where change can take place.

Performance as Radicalism in Practice names and works to understand the social phenomena that can affect a performance experience, particularly at the site of its host, the performer. It explores the questions, “what makes something radical, how do we access it, how do we embody a performance as a practice of radicalism, and so what?”

This class is for materializing an otherwise abstract concept, like being radical, into and through our physical bodies. Each meeting will work to center whole-body learning, coupled with text-based talks about what this whole-body experience can mean for building new worlds and becoming more aware of our here-and-now.

Be prepared to move in class, generate performances and written responses, and complete reading assignments.

Learning Outcomes:
Students will have defined 'radical,' 'performance,' and 'practice,' through reading, writing, performance and conversation.
Students will have generated a performance, a ritual and a theory based on their definitions.
Students will have generated original questions about radicalism.

Delivery Method: Fully in-person
Course Level: 2000-level
Credits: 2
M/Th 1:40PM - 3:30PM (1st seven weeks)
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Course Frequency: Every Term

Categories: All courses , CAPA , Fully In-Person , Performance
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