Graduate Teaching Fellows in Dance are integrated into the dance program as teaching assistants. In consultation with their academic advisors and the dance faculty, MFA candidates develop an assistantship schedule of approximately ten hours weekly; the courses they develop and teach are listed in the curriculum. All Teaching Fellows bring their own professional histories and contribute their own manners of teaching. Outside of listed class times, TBD, the Teaching Fellows will meet to discuss their courses, with the designated faculty and with each other. Furthermore, they play an active role in the weekly meetings and events of the Dance Program.
Learning Outcomes:
Evolution of teaching (preparation, content, presence & communication).
Development of administrative skills (collaboration, organization & communication).
Delivery Method: Fully in-person
Graduate Teaching Fellowship in Dance.
Corequisites: Participation in Dance Workshop (Th 7:00-8:50 PM)
Course Level: 5000-level (Graduate)
Credits: 4
TBA (Full-term)
Maximum Enrollment: 4
Course Frequency: Every Term
Categories: All courses , Dance , Fully In-Person
Tags: exploration , innovation , problem solving